Friday, August 4, 2017

Be an expert on sharks in a weekend

Sharks are the subject of this series. Sharks are enemies...aren't they?

Documentaries featured(on Netflix)
Shark BBC
Why sharks attack

Friday, July 7, 2017

Be an expert in history in a weekend

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America The Story Of Us (3-Disc Collection) [DVD] is a documentary series on American history.

Crash course US History a playlist of  entertaining American History videos.
Crash course world history same thing but for the whole world.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

How to win friends and influence people

 How to win friends and influence people is a great book that I recommend all people with ADHD, autism, Asperger's syndrome and other non neurotypical people should read. It helps with social skills such as smiling and eye contact. Click the link to download from kindle store

Friday, June 30, 2017

Urban Art expert in a Week

Want to learn about art? I'm guessing you are all things considered.Here, there are 3 documentaries on the subject. Watch them, and be an expert

From Netflix
Exit through the gift shop
Saving Banksy

From YouTube
DIY or die

Friday, June 23, 2017

Be a Frugality expert in a weekend

Frugality is something we all need. It keeps from quitting our job and buying a yacht when you get you're evicted from your house.Today, I have 2 documentaries and a podcast that should help you spend less and get more.

The first is a podcast from The Art of Manliness. If you are a woman, you can still take the practice to you own life.

The second is Living on One Dollar. You can find it on Netflix. To admit it, I have not seen it, yet, but I plan to watch it after I post.

One I have seen was Minimalism: a Documentary About The Important Things. It teaches how we can improve outbreaks lives by scaling down.

I have watched Living On One Dollar, and realized that it is not what I thought it was(living on one dollar in the western world). However, I see the value of it because it will teach you just how much any American makes. This documentary also has one very useful idea: the savings club. 12 people save 12 dollars a month so that one may have a big ticket item.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Be an expert on the Great Depression in a weekend

I am back with more. This time, the topic is the Great Depression.
Great Depression Cooking  is the YouTube channel where Clara makes meals from the depression
This video is a great documentary on YouTube.
Finally, This podcast shows that today's generations are similarly, but not exactly,the same

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Glen or Glenda

Glen or Glenda is the cult classic movie by Ed Wood, starring Bella Lugosi as the narrator. It is often called the worst movie ever maid. However, it is one of those movies that are so bad it's good.